Monday, January 14, 2013

Early Dismissal for Sleet

We got some heavy sleet today in our area. Since my mother-in-law keeps the girls when they get out of preschool (& on days they aren't in school) and has to drive on some two lane country roads to get to her house, we didn't want her driving to get the girls when they got out of school today. When this decision was made, we remembered they hadn't gotten their flu shots yet & since the flu is running ramped this year, I was going to take them after school.
The sleet started coming down around 1:15 & at 1:30, the Preschool/Mother's Day Out Program started dismissing. So I carefully drove to go get the girls. They were not happy with my announcement of going to get a shot. But I quickly told them they would get a treat if they didn't cry too much or act a fool about it. That it was okay to cry a little cause it might hurt a second, but not bawling & squalling cause we are big girls. They're choices for a treat were fries, milkshake, or cookie from McDonald's (yea, don't judge me...they're my kids & I do what I can to keep the drama down). The girls agreed the treat would be a cookie. Flu shots were administered & cookies were a DEFINITE cause we had "ouch" but NO tears at all.
When we got home, I got started on some of my lists of organizing/cleaning tasks (which is where the Label 2013 New Year's Resolution comes HERE for details). While I did this, the girls had some fun:
They each played their DS. Kayla played with her DS too, but I only snapped a picture of Jamie with her's.

They also played with Leggos. Jamie played with them too, but I only snapped a picture of Kayla.

They also watched 2 movies (yes, Kayla watched too, but wasn't sitting when I took the picture).
Their movie choices: 
Kayla picked Brave & Jamie picked The Wizard of Oz.

I worked on my Daily Tasks that change....well, this is a little wrong. Since we opened our house for everyone to come to after MawMaw Patsy's funeral, I had done the main areas & toilets already. Notice my Quiet Time with God is checked off (one of my Resolution areas).
I also got some of my Daily Tasks that don't change done. These are the ones on my chore chart. BUT, since this picture was taken, I've also gotten a few more done: run dishwasher, clean sink & counters, clean-up after dinner, changing out towels, & pampering self --blogging right now.

I got Kayla to work on her chores too. Since this picture, she has also completed a few more: dinner dishes by sink, feed pets, & toy clean up.

Jamie also got some of her chores done....& since the picture: dinner dishes by sink, feed pets, & toy clean up.

Since I had the extra time, I worked on some of my Organizing Projects for the week. Let me tell you, there are A LOT more doors on the 1st floor of this house then I realized. They are NOT spotless, but they've been wiped down REALLY well. Next time Spot Clean with Magic Eraser comes up on this list, I will be hitting spots on some of the doors.
This is my ABSOLUTE least favorite door to wipe down in this house: Master Bathroom Door!
IF you look closely, this picture is taken looking into the mirror. This door is right behind the mirror, which means I stand right in front of this door to get ready in the mornings.....which means I spray hairspray ON this door, EVERY morning. Hairspray is not something that wipes off easily. ESPECIALLY since I can't remember the last time I wiped down the doors in this house.
Now, some might think this door would be my favorite door cause it is the smallest door in the house. This is the door on the hallway linen closet in the girls' hallway. 
HOWEVER, this is not my favorite door!
There is a tie for my favorite door! It is each of the doors that lead to the girls' rooms. 
These doors lead to where my sweet little blessings dream their little girl dreams at night.
Check out the number of calories I burned during all this cleaning (meeting another of my resolution areas):
After dinner was all cleaned up...
....the girls did a little dress up!
I got to enjoy their little show, AND this: 
which makes me Happy Happy Happy (as Phil Robertson would say).



  1. Sounds like an excellent, productive day :)

    1. It was!!! I wish I would have been as productive today....but I sat around, got nervous, cooked AND cleaned up. I usually just clean up. So I got lazy & I'm just enjoying the fireplace right now.


Thank you SO much for checking out my post. I will try my hardest to reply back to everyone that comments.